Insurance is the key so you can focus on the most important things in your life because insurance will ensure your financial security and your family when something unwanted happens. When large financial burdens such as hospital fees or medical bills soar, insurance helps to cover it, so you can still focus on reaching your dreams. Health insurance will help pay medical bills when you are diagnosed with a particular disease, have an injury or have a disability. Protect your income with insurance can guarantee the income you receive when you are in a condition you can no longer work.
Life insurance guarantees the finances of your loved ones when you no longer work. Having this type of insurance allows them to continue to enjoy a comfortable life without worry. Education and pension insurance products help you achieve various things that are important to you, such as preparing education funds abroad for your child or enjoying a comfortable life at retirement. Dual-purpose insurance helps you more than just increase deposit funds and pass them on to your family. These products can also be used to finance your medium to long-term plans, such as increasing property value, taking tertiary education, and even providing funds for your vacation
Now you understand why you need insurance - here are some other important suggestions:
When is the right time to start having insurance?
The sooner the better! The best time to start protecting your health and life is the first time you receive income. Getting protection early will give you the opportunity to pay a low premium. Choose the type of protection and premium that suits your needs and budget, and you will also be able to adjust the insurance coverage according to your changing situation and condition.
What type of insurance should I buy?
Protection of your health and your family is the main, then pay attention to the type of insurance that can protect household finances if unexpected things happen to you. Next, consider insurance that will provide future savings funds for you and your family.